Sport which helps your dog stay balanced

Everything you need to know about small long haired breeds? This bed also comes in a few different sizes and colors. The sizes available include small, large, XL, and XXL Jumbo. For colors, you have the fun options of Cappuccino, Cocoa, Khaki Beige, Pewter, and Vanilla. The removable cover is 100% suede for extra comfort and is machine washable for easy cleaning. Under the suede layer is a removable waterproof liner which helps keep the foam clean and odor-free over time.

Buy your dog a collar with an ID tag that contains all your information, in case he escapes and gets lost. When you take him to the vet, it would also be a good idea to have him microchipped as a precaution. In the event that your puppy gets lost, it would be much easier to locate you as the owner if someone found him. Here are the other things you should do if your puppy gets lost.

In proportion to its jaws, a small dog’s teeth are often very large. Hence dental fragility which promotes, more than in large dogs, the formation of tartar. To protect it as much as possible, get your pooch used to “brushing” its teeth every day with a dental toy. Your little longhaired dog’s coat says a lot about: The care it receives at home. Poorly maintained, its coat will form knots, gradually become dull and lifeless. Groomed regularly, on the contrary, it will be supple and shiny. Its health. Hair that is brittle or falling outside of shedding periods, the appearance of dandruff or itchy skin should alert you. Reliable indicators of an ongoing pathology or a parasitic problem, they justify a visit to the veterinarian. See extra details on

Watching your dog’s ears, therefore, can be very informative and give us insights into what is going on beyond a path, without us being able to see or hear anything. Dogs therefore have better hearing than humans, no doubt about it. They are more sensitive to it and it is important to understand it since it means that a noise which may seem harmless to our ears can ultimately significantly disturb a dog. Dog’s fine hearing is four times greater than in humans. In addition, it perceives sound waves of 50,000 hertz, whereas humans will perceive these waves up to 30,000 hertz. For example, a sound that humans will no longer hear beyond 4 meters will still be audible to dogs up to 25 meters!

These are difficult times, and you never know when your local shops may run out of the supplies you need. So, another tip for pet care during the lockdown is to stock up on some essentials for your pet, just like you stock up for yourself. Consider using online pet stores instead of physical ones to minimise contact. This includes pet food, grooming materials, anti-flea/tick treatments, deworming medicine, and medicines for reducing fever, stopping vomiting etc. But, make sure you leave enough for other pet owners and DO.

Of course, the notion of comfort will be specific to each individual, so we cannot guarantee that the material will appeal to all dogs. In contrast, a dog may like many kinds of baskets and mats. It is also interesting that a dog can, like humans, change its taste as it grows, ages and experiences. Choose the right basket according to dog’s needs: The choice of bedding must also be made according to several criteria which will vary throughout its life. You can select a bed according to: Your Dog’s Age: Puppies are not the same size as adults. It is therefore advisable to opt for a bed large enough to make the dog feel comfortable. So you may have to buy another bed if your dog grows. I would add that if your puppy tends to eat its bedding, it is best to take a plastic one, because it is the one that will resist the longest! Read additional information at