Great mold removal company

Ideal mold removal service: Symptoms which may be as a result of mould in the home: Mould-induced hypersensitivity can also negatively affect human health. Breathing in dead or alive spores (the microscopic “seeds” of moulds floating in the dust in the atmosphere) can lead to breathing tract problems. Symptoms can vary from sore throats to chesty coughs, asthma or more severe conditions. Read on for effective tips on how to keep your home clear of moulds to make it a healthier place to live and thrive. Anyone with existing skin problems such as eczema, indicating a pre-existing sensitivity, is also prone to be affected by mould spores.

Clean the affected area and egress. The process for Level 1 differs from Level 2 at this point. For Level 1, clean with a damp cloth and/or mop with detergent solution. Level 2 requires you to vacuum all surfaces with a HEPA vacuum, and then clean all surfaces with a damp cloth and/or mop and detergent solution. Discard wipes as described above. Visibility test. All areas should be visibly free of contamination and debris — no dust and dirt means no mold. Dry. Cleaned materials should be dried to allow leftover moisture to evaporate. To speed up the drying process, use fans, dehumidifiers or raise the indoor air temperature. Replace. All materials that were moved should be replaced or repaired.

If you are in Jacksonville, you don’t have to search for a water damage cleanup expert anymore; we are here for you. We are a professional water damage repair and restoration company operating in Jacksonville and surrounding areas. Regardless of how big your flooding problem seems, we are confident we can help. Call the Experts at 904-447-8752. When you have water damage, it is easy for bacteria to find a home and breed in those wet areas. It gets even worse if a flood caused water damage since floods can bring in water with all kinds of harmful substances, including sewage water. Flooding from storms is a major problem in the whole state of Florida and it requires a combination of trained professionals, professional equipment and special techniques to correctly treat it. Read more information on Jacksonville Water Damage Restoration.

To prevent mold around the tub or shower, spray the wall with an antimicrobial treatment, then seal the grout with two coats of grout sealant to keep water from wicking in. If the mold is extensive and tiles come off, rebuild the wall with cement board tile backer and new tile. If the wall is sound but the mold stains won’t go away, try regrouting. Scrape out the caulk and stained grout, spray the wall with antimicrobial treatment, regrout and caulk, and then coat the whole wall with grout sealant.

You can’t do anything legally if you “THINK” you have mold. You need to know that you have mold. Instead of having a service come out to test and have it cost you a few hundred dollars we recommend that you buy a Mold Test Kit that includes FREE Lab testing. Once you have a positive test for Black Mold your options are abundant, the test is admissible in court. For example, your home could have a leak behind the wall, and unless you see evidence of the leak immediately, it could go undetected and allow mold to grow. This is why everybody – from homeowner to landlord to renters – need to keep a close eye on their residence, office buildings and more to keep mold from developing and growing. Find more info at