GMAT tutor rates

Let’s talk about GMAT private tutor options and, as a result, we will give several tricks regarding all GMAT questions, focusing on advices about how to prepare for your tests. Staring at the GMAT software for nearly four hours can be stressful on the eyes—and the shoulders! If you couldn’t figure it out efficiently (or at all), chances are that someone else couldn’t either, and they’ve posed the question to the broader community of GMAT preppers online. In fact, almost every single question in any official GMAT software or books has an answer explanation for free online. GMAT Club, Manhattan Prep’s GMAT Forum, and Beat the GMAT are all great forums to use for answer explanations; just be sure that the person posting the answer is a reliable enough source (like a verified GMAT instructor or an expert who’s been “upvoted” many times). On the off chance that you can’t find the question and answer explanation, then sign up for one of the above forums and post the question yourself!

Find your zen: Discover stress-reducing techniques. Slow, deep-belly breathing, mindfulness, meditation, and walks in nature are among the activities McGarry suggests. Unplugging from TV, movies, and devices can also be calming, he adds. Just like math and verbal questions, stress-reducing activities require constant practice, says McGarry: “If you can cultivate an assiduous commitment to cultivating deep whole-body relaxation as a regular state of being, then you will be able to bring a level of focus and presence to the GMAT that eludes almost everyone else.” McGarry says visual literacy is a necessity. He advises applicants to become familiar with efficiently analyzing charts, tables, and imaginary symbols, which are commonly featured in the GMAT. Using official test prep materials, or those from third parties that come closest to the real thing are your best bet, says McGarry.

We really do have outstanding track records as GMAT tutors: we’ve helped hundreds of students achieve dramatic score improvements, and our former students have been admitted to every top MBA program in the world, including HBS, Stanford, Wharton, INSEAD, and LBS, among many others. If you want proof, you’re always welcome to ask for references, or you can click here to read some of our unsolicited student reviews. We’re honest people, and we won’t feed you a line of crap about massive, easy score improvements, as improving your GMAT score is rarely easy. We’ll make you work hard – and work efficiently – to achieve your GMAT goals. This is a partnership: we’ll provide structure, passion, and expert guidance, but we’ll expect you to provide a whole lot of time and energy, too. Read extra info at GMAT Tutor.

Read Carefully…Or Else The GMAT is constructed with incorrect answer choices that the test writers think you might like. If it’s a mistake a person might easily make on a problem, it’s probably an answer choice. If a question seems easy to you, STOP and reread the question. Make sure you haven’t fallen into a trap. Answer All the Questions—Even If You Have to Guess: Because there is a penalty for unanswered questions at the end of the GMAT, it makes sense to guess on any remaining questions rather than to leave them blank. If time is running out, you will almost certainly get a higher score by clicking through and answering any remaining questions at random. This is because the penalty for getting a question wrong diminishes sharply toward the end of each adaptive section (when the computer has already largely decided your score).

Testing: after you finish teaching, write down a series of questions on a sheet of paper and try to answer them without looking in the manual or on the note sheets. Personal testing after each repeated lesson is the most efficient stage of the learning process. Reduce irrelevant activities: When you have a lot of books to read, try to read faster, do not get lost in thoughts and need to resume reading, and if you have long texts, try to reorder the keys so that don’t waste time looking for them. Source: