Distance energy healing sessions by distance-spiritual-healing.com

Removal of negative energy and healing at distance recommendations? How Does a Healer Transcend Time and Space? When a healer facilitates a distance healing, he or she is going outside of time and space. She is altering her perception by any number of techniques. In the Theta healing technique for example the practitioner slows her brainwaves to the theta wave which activates what is known in shamanism as the “waking dream” state. She is changing her perception or vantage point to a place where time and space are not fixed, where there is no separation between things and where time flows not only forward but backwards. Where in time she decides to go is dependent only on where she decides to place her awareness. This illusion exists only because we have believed it to be true and serves a good purpose—it keeps us grounded in the physical experience which is right where we need to be to live and go about our daily activities. But at the same time this perception can limits us from a greater understanding and experience of life. The good news is that like all perceptions, this illusion of time and space can be transcended or altered at will with proper practice.

Humankind has always believed in healing at a distance. It is only in recent history that people have questioned its efficacy and have asked the question: How does distant healing work? The short answer is: nobody knows. This might sound alarming at first because the human tendency is to demand to know before they can believe. However, the truth is that we do not know how many things in the Universe work. Just take physics: Quantum Physics still keeps physicists scratching their heads. They know that something is happening, but do not know how and what exactly.

I recently received a series of beautiful long-distance healing sessions from Laurent Helene. He is such a gifted medium and healer and his work with the Divine is palpable in each session. During these challenging times I highly recommend that you treat yourself to a long-distance healing session. No matter where you are in the world, healing is powerful and possible! Thank you for sharing your gifts with me Laurent! Discover extra info at Distance Spiritual Healing.

The Hindus call life force energy “prana,” the Hebrews call it “ruah” and the Chinese define it as “chi.” This energy is channelled for hands-on healing or sent remotely to reach your “energy, cells, atoms etc.” which is fundamental to healing the root cause of your conditions. Distant healings can be just as effective as in-person healings. Reiki healing is a form of alternative therapy that may be completed through distance healing. Reiki is also referred to as energy healing that focuses on the energy fields around the body. It was founded by Dr Usui in 1865 when he fasted, meditated, and prayed. On the twenty-first day, he saw ancient Sanskrit symbols. This helped him develop the system of healing he had been struggling to invent which is now known as Reiki.

Laurent draws upon his experiences in a wide range of healing modalities to empower people to expand their life with ease. In 2013 he attended one week SNU Healing course (Spiritualists National Union) covering all aspects of Spiritual Healing at Arthur Findlay College in the UK. Laurent has worked with many people across the globe to help them with emotional and physical well-being. From then on he starts to explore the world of healing and has made it his quest to study numerous modalities that can bring spiritual and physical relief to those in need. See more info at https://distance-spiritual-healing.com/.