Brave browser detailed info and real privacy

Looking about Brave browser details? The choice of an appropriate web browser always leaves the users in an anxious state and setting up the perfect one as a default is surely a bigger deal than it seems. The choice of a perfect web browser always varies from person to person due to the different priorities. Each web browser has its own specialty like some browser guarantees the best surfing and browsing experience free of cost, some mark themselves differently in terms of speed and some offer the privacy and anonymity to its users. But if you are looking for all in one browser then you are at the right place as we have epitomized the specs and features of the newly released web browser “Brave Browser” which claims to take care of everything you need for your perfect browsing.

While the browser blocks third-party cookies, the first party cookies are not blocked by default. Users have the option to prevent or enable cookies on a given website. However, Brave does not block ads displayed in search results. You will be able to see AdWords advertisements within Google’s results. This is because Ad blocking extensions don’t stymie search ads either. Blocking of malicious ads automatically allows safe browsing. Brave does not have access to identifiable user data. The anonymity aggregated ad campaign related data is used for accounting. However, this data cannot be traced back to a user’s device.

Much more than a browser, Brave is the way of thinking how the web works. Brave is open source and built by a team of privacy focused, performance oriented pioneers of the web. Browse the web up to 8X faster than Chrome and Safari. Brave loads major news sites 2 to 8 times faster than Chrome/Safari on mobile and 2 times faster than Chrome on desktop. The average mobile browser user pays as much as 23$ per month in data charges to download ads and trackers – that’s 276$ a year. Brave blocks ads and and trackers, so you don’t pay for them. Brave provides users with the option to control the ad frequency and scheduling and control how much or little information they provide to brands.

Defaults that matter: Browse confidently with default settings that block phishing, malware, and malvertising. Also, plugins, which have proven to be a security risk, are disabled by default. Sync your devices bravely: Brave Sync, currently in beta, can be enabled to encrypt and synchronize your preferred settings and bookmarks. However, Brave does not have the keys to decrypt your data.

Brave Rewards: Brave Rewards locally picks which private ads to show you based on your browsing activity. Then, Brave uses an anonymous accounting process to confirm ad event activity, keep personal details private, and ensure people earn rewards for their attention. Brave Ads are not intrusive to your browsing experience. Brave Ads are presented as native system notifications or background images in a new tab, separate from the web content being viewed. Find additional info on Brave Web Browser.

Tip on YouTube: Tip your favorite creators on Youtube while watching their videos. When you visit YouTube, Brave Rewards lets you tip creators directly as a reward for making great video content. Visit to learn more about becoming a verified YouTube creator.