EMV Level 2 testing and certifications services

EMV payment training and consultancy firm? Don’t go another day without an EMV certified terminal simply because your provider or payment application isn’t EMV certified. Take advantage of the quick solutions PayJunction offers and start accepting EMV today. Get a free EMV certified terminal today! Has your business struggled to accept EMV chip cards? Were you unaware of these EMV certification details? Contribute to the discussion below, we’d love to hear from you!

EMV cards are either inserted into the terminal slot, known as “card dipping,” or they can be contactless using near field communication (NFC) to transfer data by merely tapping the card on the terminal. Cards may also support both methods. See NFC.

Chip and PIN Definition. These transactions are often referred to as “Chip and PIN” because PIN entry is required to verify the customer is the genuine cardholder. This is a simplification since the EMV specifications include other cardholder verification methods as well.

Our experts have the EMV payment experience and knowledge to contribute specific EMV payment guidance for your role and your crucial priorities, delivered in high-touch, one-to-one consultative cooperations. You’ll take away the knowledge and the skills you need to implement them in your payment environment. We help you create an EMV payment roadmap to success for your mission-critical priorities with our payment industry-specific best practices. Read more info on EMV Level 2 testing and certifications firm.