Third secret of Fatima interpretations

Apocalypse revelations texts? Statistical data reveals an apocalyptic code that points to end-time events right now. The pattern was so strong and unusual that it appeared to be nothing short of miraculous. As can be seen from above, between the years 2015 and 2078, ‘Holy or Maundy Thursday’ ONLY falls on the 13th day of Easter April twice. This must be significant, especially if one recognizes the importance and prevalence of the number 13 in the last 15 years of professional American sports. The fact that 13 American professional sports teams named after either heavenly angels or Christian saints have won 30 major national championships in the last 15 consecutive years alone makes one realize that all of the aforesaid has something to do with God and Christianity. It only stands to reason that this must be so.

It must be remembered that between April 13, 2017 and April 13, 2028, several apocalyptic events are supposed to occur by 2018 and 2021. A conventional war usually precedes a nuclear event, as it did in World War II. Assuming this is the case again, a conventional war would have to precede the supposed 2021 nuclear event(s). Because the Garabandal seers stated that a communist invasion occurs after both the ‘Warning’ and the ‘Miracle’, and because the ‘Warning’ occured in May 6 of 2019, then the prophesied all-out communist invasion and takeover of the United States will take place sometime after 2021. Now let’s assume that there is no long drawn out conventional war prior to a nuclear exchange, but rather, a short conventional war prior to the nuclear event, then April 9, 2020 would be the likely date of the Garabandal ‘Miracle’. If so, it is yet unknown as to what feast day of a martyred saint of the eucharist this date refers to. Further research is necessary to determine which saint the April 9, 2020 date refers to. Nevertheless, the said date, on its own, remains significant due to all of the aforesaid.

Those familiar with the New Testament know that a righteous spirit is pure white and unblemished. We can deduce this from the transfiguration of Elijah and Moses in front of Jesus and his apostles. Refer to Chapter 9, vv. 2-4, in the Book of Mark, which reveals the following: “And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became radiant, intensely white, as no one on earth could bleach them. And there appeared to them Elijah and Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.” (ESV) Find extra details at

First Secret: has something to do with Medjugorje and that will serve to shock and awaken the world to the existence of God. Second Secret: is most likely the same as the secret at Garabandal in which the Illumination of the soul is witnessed by everyone on earth at the same time. (See: Message of June 4, 1995.) It did occur on May 6, 2019 as witnessed by the author of this work. Third Secret: after the first two events of the secrets occur, a permanent visible sign from Heaven will manifest at Mount Podbrdo or Apparition Hill, the site of the apparitions. (NOTE: The heavenly sign at the apparition site will be similar to the sign prophesied to occur at the apparition site at Garabandal, Spain and at Bayside, New York (Directive to Veronica Lueken, May 30, 1973). But Seer Mirjana emphasized that conversion must be done now before the sign manifests itself, otherwise, it would be too late and one would be doomed.)

Elements such as the following: the number 13, God, the Virgin Mary, Nostradamus, an asteroid, a meteor, a comet, Christian saints, Jesus Christ, the antichrist, China, Russia, North Korea, world war III, the well-known ELS Bible Code (not connected to this work), the Book of Daniel, the Book of Isaiah, the Book of Revelation, the Mayan Calendar, the Third Secret of Fatima, the great tribulation, a pole shift, Pope Francis, the ark of the covenant, and the rapture? For the sake of the world and mankind: hopefully nothing. However, there unfortunately appears to be some unnerving correlation between all of the foregoing elements. A blog site attempts to explain that the code shows that there is indeed a relationship between these said elements and that it appears to point to the occurrence of all of the end-time events described in the Book of Revelation. Find extra information on third secret of Fatima.