Best site to download music from with TheFuture FM

Download DJ music by TheFuture FM? Music Platform Bandcamp has been around for a long time and makes it easy for indie musicians to find new fans and sell merch, vinyl or cd. They have a loyal fanbase and through their platform music fans can discover and support their favorite artists directly. On Bandcamp artists need not pay anything to upload their music and the company charges 10% of revenue after you reached $5000 in sales which is reasonable and allows artists of all spheres of life a chance to showcase their talents and potentially make some extra money on the side.

In the first row, SoundCloud was never well monetized since the very beginning. With a quite benevolent free plan, the money coming from pro plans simply wasn’t enough to cover all the operational costs and also all the lawsuits coming from major labels over copyright infringements – and a lot more of other things. Despite that SoundCloud came with a variety of strategies to get more money from their users, none of them worked particularly well, often creating more harm than good.

DJ mixes? Find recent music like never before. Find the latest tracks from the best new artists. Download as much as you want, when you want, without limits. Are you a producer? Get paid for your music! The first subscription-split music sharing platform! Producers finally get paid fairly. We make it easy to get discovered and get paid what you really deserve. Ready for real exposure? TheFuture gives everybody the chance to be discovered fairly. Upload unlimited original music for free, share everywhere and grow your fan base! Read even more details on Download DJ Mixes.

Bandcamp is probably the first name that comes to mind when you talk of SoundCloud alternatives. It is a music publishing platform that has been around for over a decade. Like SoundCloud, it also caters to indie artists for the most part, and is often the first port of call for musicians looking for an alternative to SoundCloud. Artists who sign up with the service are provided with their own customizable microsite where they can upload and share their music. As a fan, you can stream all tracks for free, but can also choose to buy either entire albums or individual tracks at prices that you set yourself. You can also donate to an artist or receive a free track or album by joining the artist’s mailing list. Unlike SoundCloud, musicians don’t need to pay a fixed yearly amount to Bandcamp to upload their music. The company charges a 15% commission until your overall sales reach $5,000, after which, the commission drops to 10%. Each artist’s page on the Bandcamp website also features information on the artist, their social media links, merchandising links and a list of their available music. The service was a website-only platform until 2013, when the company launched its mobile apps for Android and iOS.

DJs: While we are in BETA, you’ll be able to download music for free. Subscriptions will be enabled once we reach 1,000 music uploads. You will be notified when we switch to the subscription-based service. Your subscription will be used to support the producers that upload their music to share with you. A small monthly subscription will allow you to download unlimited music. Every download you make will generate a commission for the artist that you downloaded from. Our profit-sharing model is revolutionary and ensures that producers are getting paid fairly. This will motivate producers to make the music you and your fans love! Read extra details on