Acne and Acne Scarring med spa in Lansdowne, VA with LaSondra Gray

Botox med spa Lansdowne, VA by ReflectionsImageCenter: Wellness & Nutrition: We take a holistic approach to delivering outstanding results…INSIDE and OUT! Our team of medical experts have received local and national recognition for our in-depth knowledge and contribution in the field of health, wellness and nutrition. Reflections focuses on patient satisfaction and the results are unparalleled in today’s market. By providing superior results and the highest level of patient care, we have become the most trusted name in advanced medical, alternative and aesthetic treatments. Discover even more details at

Valentine’s Day is coming up! That means it’s time to look and feel your very best. Want some extra kissable lips? Or maybe lose the wrinkles but not your experience? You can’t turn the clock back but you can still look your best. If you’re frustrated at the growing fat pads in your stomachs, thighs, or hips and want to have the hourglass shape, there is a solution. There are lots of cosmetic technologies that are readily available to keep you in the latest fashions and stop you from feeling self-conscious on date night.

Professional Acne and Acne Scarring med spa Lansdowne, VA with Reflections Image Center – LaSondra Gray: How Does Laser Skin Tightening Work? Laser Skin Tightening is a highly popular technique because it shows immediate results. It can be applied to usually any area of the face or body for various skin-related problems. This technique is done by using an infrared light laser to penetrate below the skin. The laser is usually hot, about the same temperature as a hot stone massage. It heats the collagen below the skin, causing collagen production and the skin to look firmer.

Just like you wouldn’t use out-dated technology for your cell phone or your car, neither should you use it for your skin. The best skin care centers use breakthrough innovations in cosmetic technology such as laser technology to remove wrinkles, scarring, unwanted hair or even toenail fungus to address your skin issues. Facial Treatments For Your Best Look: For facial treatments, we recommend that you find a center that provides you with a Facial Blueprint (digital imaging). This in-depth analysis of your facial characteristics enables a skilled professional to design a rejuvenation and skin care program for your specific complexion. Your customized plan is based on your skin type, durability, genetic make-up, and many other factors. Some professionals will even be able to use this information to identify which products are best suited to your skincare needs.

Multiple types of anti-aging treatments are required to address the various causes of facial aging. Soft-tissue augmentation provides a minimally invasive option for patients seeking to look younger. However, due to changes in facial skin, musculature, fat and bone, anti-aging treatment requires a multifaceted approach. Injectable fillers may be combined with neurotoxins to resolve superficial wrinkles and restore facial volume. These modalities may be used with laser resurfacing or chemical peels to address epidermal and superficial dermal problems. Combining injectable soft-tissue augmentation treatments allows clinicians and patients to take advantage of the benefits of each modality and to address the multiple effects of facial aging. Read additional info at Acne and Acne Scarring in Lansdowne, VA.

Skin Mapping: Face mapping divides your face into 13 zones, each with corresponding inner health implications. Therefore, you can tell whether your heart or kidney is in perfect working condition just by looking at your face in the mirror. Zones 1 & 3: Forehead. Breakouts in these zones can point to the bladder and digestive system problems. Increasing your water intake should lead to a noticeable change. Zone 2: It is located between the eyes. Congestion in this zone is indicative of a strained liver, due to excessive consumption of alcohol. You may want to go easy on the booze.

Does the way you look on the outside no longer match how you feel on the inside? As the years go by we inevitably start to age, no matter how young we still feel on the inside. Unwanted wrinkles start to pop up. Stretch marks make us feel self-conscious in our favorite dress or bathing suit. Unwanted fat pads our stomach, hips, thighs, and just about everywhere else we don’t want it. Thankfully we live in a new age when it comes to our health and beauty. Technologies are available right down the street at local medical spas that our parents and grandparents could have only dreamed about when they reached our age. No longer do we have to grin and bear aging gracefully. Medical spas have sprung up across the country, offering the latest advanced technology to help you look your best, at any age.