CBSE exam app

JEE exam learning? Students are always suggested to solve more and more previous years’ question papers, especially when they are done after the revision of the whole syllabus. Practicing question papers helps you track your preparation level and know where you are lacking or are strong.

Yes, I have seen a number of students of mine running behind the big heavyweight reference books, and they underestimate their syllabus books like NCERT in the case of CBSE board. These syllabus books are the best to practice with. Have you ever noticed the high scoring students always stick to the syllabus textbooks and this is only because they know the true significance of that key to success book (syllabus textbooks). Reference books are good to study but only for those students who want to be a part of competitive exams after 12th class. But if you really want to score more percentage, then, according to me, you should stick with your syllabus textbooks. All the syllabus books in any board exam are designed according to the strict syllabus and this has never happened in the history of board exams that a question has come out of the syllabus.

Practice different sample papers and last year’s question papers to know the pattern and marking schemes. Try to finish the sample paper or the last year question paper in the allotted time only, so that you will be ready when for the final exam. Download the admit card and take out the physical copy. Remember that without it, you will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.

K factor is the best application for exam preparations for ICSE, and question answer for CBSE for your child – it encourages an understudy to learn in a logical manner for progress in JEE and other selection tests like ICSE, CBSE, NEE and WBBSE.K Factor is an application for high quality artificial or mock Test, for Joint entrance exams, cbse tests, icse tests. Are you worried about your studies ? Preparing for Joint Entrance Exams (JEE)/ ICSE/ CBSE/ WBBSE during this lockdown period, when schools and colleges are closed and Tuitions are not available… Find more information on K factor App.

Would you like to conduct assessment from home ? Like to understand the level of preparation of your students for Joint Entrance Exams (JEE), NEET or ICSE or CBSE or even WBBSE during this lockdown period sitting at home. Conducting exam when tuitions are open is not so easy either. K Factor is the best application for test preparation for wbbse and neet too. It gives ai put together questions depending with respect to dok or profundity of information on the understudy naturally. Each test accompanies an appraisal for simple understanding of the degree of studies, candidate quality and shortcomings. This aides in cbse test preparation and JEE tests moreover.

Each student gets customized question papers according to merit and the multiple batch of students can be monitored easily. K factor is the best app for students replacing suggestions for ICSE, and question answer books for CBSE – it helps a student to learn in a scientific way for success in JEE and other entrance exams apart from ICSE, CBSE, NEE and WBBSE which are already included in the app. See more info on