Buy bengal cat Canada

Bengal cats are amazing. If you are searching for a companion pet we think that bengal cats are a good pick. This may sound like some kind of joke, but we’re serious. When we said that Bengals are different than other domestic felines, we were being honest. This fascinating breed loves to get wet. While most others will fight you claw and fang to avoid a bathtub, your Bengal will be thankful for a dip in the tub. It is not unheard of for a Bengal cat to take a swim in the family swimming pool. This could be dangerous if there is not an access point for them to safely climb out, so great care should be taken for pool owners. The reason that they are so fond of the water is because their ancestors were great hunters and fishers. In fact, if you have an aquarium with fish, you will need to take precautions to make certain that your Bengal cannot get into the tank. They are also good swimmers so it’s important to keep an eye on them around bodies of water. They drink water a bit differently as well. Instead of lapping it up with their tongues, they prefer to dip their paws into it and lick it off.

If you already have a dog at home, you don’t need to worry too much about welcoming a Bengal cat. You can make sure that your dog and Bengal cat becomes best friends. You will often be able to see them running around the house. In addition to that, you can also see them cuddling up together. They prefer to keep company of each other at all times. When you leave your Bengal cat and dog at home, you will be able to see them getting into trouble as well. The Bengal cats are cute and good looking as well. This is another reason, which would tempt you to get a one as your companion at home. By nature, cats are nocturnal. They are sleeping throughout the day under sunlight and they become crazy at the night time. Hence, you will be able to see your Bengal cat bouncing around the house during the night time. You will also be able to see how your Bengal cat is jumping to the bed and snuggling during the day time. This is one of the cutest sights that you can see at home.

The Bengal’s pelt-like coat is also quite different to the touch because it feels more silk-like and plush. It also has quite a sheen to it which is magnificently captured when these sleek cats lie or walk in sunlight. It’s when their coats really glisten and when their markings are the most striking. The beauty of their pelt-like coat is that is requires very little to no brushing because Bengals take care of themselves by licking their fur in shorter and less frequent self-grooming sessions. Because there is less dried saliva left on their coasts, there tends to be far less dander floating around in the air which makes life a lot easier for anyone who has an allergy to cats.

A kitten from the cattery “Jungle Kitten” will become for you a wonderful friend and a great representative of the breed at the exhibition. Playful Bengal kittens with soft hair, curious eyes and incredible color will become favorites of the whole family. Discover more info on

Think your Bengal can’t possibly get onto that 10-foot-high ledge where you’re displaying your prized orchids? Think again. Bengals can jump up to three times their height, and can easily find a way onto just about any shelf or ledge in your house. In addition to their “flying” abilities, they’re also excellent climbers, and can hide in places where you’ll never imagined they would venture.