Best rated Among Us game guides today

Best Among Us recommendations right now? These hints are often very subtle, and require playing several matches in order to start picking up on them. Nevertheless, if you see someone suspiciously following people around, there’s a decent chance that they could be the Impostor. In this case, you might want to trigger an Emergency Meeting just to be safe and discuss it with the other players. Stay Close to People Who Have Proven Their Innocence: However, once you have verified that someone is truly innocent, you need to stay with them at all costs so that the Impostor can’t pick you off separately. See more information on among us game.

Check your kill cooldown time: Keep a note on your kill cooldown time. If it is more than 10-15 seconds, you have to be extra careful in making sure that no one else is around when you are about to pop someone off. The more the cooldown time, the slower you can kill. Keep sabotaging: You can sabotage from any place in the map. There is a cooldown time for that too and it takes some time before you can sabotage another location. Sabotaging the Reactor and the O2 filter, killing off the lights, closing doors are some of the effective ways to improve your winning chance.

To strategically use the Vent system, Impostors should exit a room through the Vent immediately after killing a Crewmate. This will get the Impostor far away from the body before it can be discovered. However, if a Crewmate saw the Among Us Impostor entering the room with the dead body and not exiting it, this plan can backfire and get the Impostor ejected. One way to improve this strategy may be to only enter and exit the room through the Vents, but it is still possible a Crewmate will notice. An Impostor will be safest using the Vents when they are alone in rooms and no one is using the security cameras. Impostor players should also know that Crewmates in other rooms can see when a Vent is used, but they cannot see who used it. Crewmates can also see when the Vent is used if the Impostor shuts the door. However, they don’t see the color or name of the player who used it. Impostors may want to consider shutting the door before using the Vent as an added layer of protection.

If you are an imposter you are supposed to not complete any task. Instead, you need to eliminate the crewmates who have done such tasks and earned the trust of the group. You do not want these crewmates to get together and make strategies to find the imposter. You have to be nice to all the crew mates and whenever a crew member is accused of being an imposter, you make arguments on both sides. You’ll observe that there are cameras in the game. If you see a blinking red light on the camera, you should know that someone is watching you from the security room. Most players are not aware that if a crewmate is watching the cameras, he/she can’t see the players next to them. Hence, whenever you see a red light blinking, you should head to the security room and kill the crew member watching the camera. But do remember that this works if there is only 1 crew member present in the security room.

For the imposters to win the game, they have to act like the crew and avoid raising any kind of suspicion. Being a good crewmate requires you to be perceptive and communicative. We have listed some ways which can help you win the game as an imposter or as a detective crewmate; all you need is to find out who is murdering and acting suspiciously. If you are moving with your crewmates, the imposters will not be able to assassinate you. Your priority is to avoid getting killed. If there is more than one imposter, you will need to move around in a group of five to avoid getting killed. But you also need to remember that imposters can multi-kill if they start working together. You need to look out for events which planned to deliberately kill crewmates in order to break the group.